Posts Tagged ‘Dr. Dre’

Dre and Jay-z to release a track!!!

March 30, 2010

Rumor has it, Dr. Dre and Jay-Zhave teamed up on a new song and the two are going to release the joint track this week. The news was first brought forward by E! News correspondent Michael Yo on his Twitter.

“Look for it this week New Jay Z and Dr Dre!!! Can’t wait:),” he wrote. “Everyone buzzing about it at interscope records!!” The title of the song is yet to be revealed but sources suggested it is one of the songs recorded for Dr. Dre’s upcoming album “Detox”.

Indeed, Dr. Dre has admitted about inviting Jay-Z to rap on “Detox”. In an interview with MTV in October last year, the rapper/producer said, “Well, actually, Jay-Z’s just been in the studio doing some writing. — Hopefully I’ll get him to perform on the record. Jay, come holler!”

Suge Knight going at Eminem and Dre in Movie

March 26, 2010

Former Death Row Records owner Marion “Suge” Knight is reportedly poking fun at Dr. Dre and Eminem in an upcoming short film.
According to reports, the project was filmed by two amateur filmmakers.
Hip-hop heavyweight Marion “Suge” Knight has helped boost a pal’s film career by attacking his rap rivals on camera. The former Death Row Records boss is the focus of young filmmakers Jabari Henley and Shane Taylor’s short, The Mic, which pokes fun at rap stars like Eminem and Dr. Dre. Knight agreed to rant about his rivals as a favor to pal Big U – Henley’s father. (Celebrity Mound)
The project was reportedly filmed in early March.

Producer Josh Sands, who oversaw the project at the Hollywood Film & Acting Academy, says, “Jabari and Shane came to me with this idea and said they could get Suge Knight on camera. I wasn’t convinced but then he just showed up. He was here for about two hours. “He’s a very intimidating character, but a real natural in front of the camera.” The short was shot three weeks ago and has only just been completed – because Knight’s comments had to be heavily edited. (Contact Music)
Although Knight a toll on Em and Dre, legal concerns forced him to omit directly referencing them.

Sands adds, “He doesn’t mention Dr. Dre or Eminem by name but it’s clear who he’s talking about and some of the things he said were really graphic. Legally we couldn’t release some parts of the interview. “In the end we had about five minutes and our plan is to put the film online to help promote the Hollywood Film & Acting Academy.”